Saturday, February 11, 2006

A song you just have to hear

For Lack of Anything

It's by my ex-roomie, the wonderful, talented Kristin Allen-Zito

Now I must run as it's sunny out and that doesn't happen often here so I must go and enjoy (will be back with more posts later, I got 2 /3 brewing up inside of me, one on Female Chavinist Pigs, one as a letter to Peter Jackson (guess what I watched last night), and one about how my pro-choice stance is very pro-life indeed.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Rock on, Kristin!

L said...

Fabulous! Thanks for that, I've been humming it all afternoon.

lost clown said...

glad you enjoyed it, it's one of my favourites

thenutfantastic said...

Did you see the op-ed by Anne Lamott over at Feministe? You should really take a look bc it's wonderfully brilliant as only Anne Lamott can be.
