Blue has molted!
18 hours ago
A place to vent my frustrations about living in a effed up white male dominated, ableist, capitalistic society. And if you're mean, misogynistic, or in any other way effed up I will delete you. And yes, it is at my discretion. Whine about it elsewhere.
Dear Lost Clown,
My name is Maggie Hays. I recently created the website "Against Pornography".
I just wanted to say thank you for linking my site to your blog. I really appreciate.
p.s.: Sorry for not posting a comment about Zombiewalk.
Thank you for creating it!
You're welcome.
My site should appear on Google (and other major search engines) within a few weeks, as I submitted the domain name to search engine optimization. I've also got security and back up against hackers if they try.
I'm gonna add "Angry for a Reason"'s main page to my list of links after I've posted this message.
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