The wonderful Terry at I See Invisible People has given me this wonderful award.
Now to pass it on.
Laura from I'm not a feminist, but because over the 2 years I've known her she has been a dear friend, and her posts are thoughtful, insightful, and funny. If anyone could get me to drink gin, it would be her. (Hope to see you in the UK, m'dear because I AM going to get into grad school there.)
Rebecca from Adventures in Applied Mathematics WHile I only recently discovered her, it's wonderful for me to have connections and insight into what it's like being a woman in mathematics. Feminist and smart, her blog is one of my current daily reads, and I am so happy I found her!
Spotted Elephant from The Bipolar View while everything other then bunny blogging (*shudder* bunnies) is on hold for the time being, her feminist insights to everything and especially to disAblism are poignant and thought provoking. I love and miss you SE! I hope you have more spoons soon.
Biting Beaver at Den of the Biting Beaver. Outraged and not taking it lying down. What is there to say? BB's amazing, and if you haven't been to her site, go now!
The Astrodyke. Queer and gender politics and astronomy. What's not to like?
Rebecca's blog is wonderful. Her recent series on programming has been fantastic with more still to come. Also, her Ask an Applied Mathematician post about girls in math class was in a Scientiae a while back and the nod was well deserved. I read her religiously.
Aww, shucks, lost clown and Tony. I'm positively blushing over here! Thanks for your kind comments. :)
ooooo, goody! new blogs to read!!!
And if you like the math and science orientated blogs down the page I have a whole slew of links to mostly women bloggers.
MOSTLY women.
That's what I said. ;)
blush blush blush!
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