Monday, October 01, 2007

We got the grant!

Now I will actually be paid for helping to rewrite the calculus based physics labs. I got the short stick and am TAing the 8 am lab. Yay for me. Oh, and for the department and the students.

I hope I'm not overwhelmed by it all.


  1. Yeah for money! And you're a better person than me. I don't think I could stomach a physics lab at 8am. Of course, that could by why I'm a biologist...

  2. This was the lab I got a B in (A's in the others) and I'm supposed to be able to help people at some ungodly time I'm not entirely convinced actually exists? Poor kids.

  3. Congrats! My own calc-based physics lab is terribly boring, and I know you will keep that from happening to others.

    On a side note, I'm going to see the SYTYCD tour tonight! WOOOOHOOOOO!

  4. Tony: I'm definitely going to try. My students seem to like me (except when I do their grading, that is) b/c I'm kind of nuts and fun, so hopefully I'll do a good job with the labs.

    Also: I am so jealous. I won't get to see it until Thanksgiving. Have fun!

  5. But Thanksgiving is only 6 days away. ;-)

  6. Anonymous4/10/07 11:17

    That's great news! Congrats!

  7. I'm sorry, US Thanksgiving. ;)


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