Saturday, August 11, 2007

Zombiewalk 2007!

The 3rd Annual Vancouver Zombiewalk will be held on August 25, starting at 3pm from the Art Gallery.


  1. Anonymous13/8/07 01:49

    Dear Lost Clown,

    My name is Maggie Hays. I recently created the website "Against Pornography".

    I just wanted to say thank you for linking my site to your blog. I really appreciate.


    p.s.: Sorry for not posting a comment about Zombiewalk.

  2. Thank you for creating it!

  3. Anonymous13/8/07 23:02

    You're welcome.

    My site should appear on Google (and other major search engines) within a few weeks, as I submitted the domain name to search engine optimization. I've also got security and back up against hackers if they try.

    I'm gonna add "Angry for a Reason"'s main page to my list of links after I've posted this message.



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