Monday, May 14, 2007

Kind of sexist? KIND OF??!!!

From the Chicago Tribune:
Store manager Allison Worrell and I agree that it's kind of sexist to call the packet of female overnight necessities the "Shame on You Kit" ($28) while the guy's version of similar items is labeled "Clean Getaway Kit" ($30). Each contains undies, condoms, toothbrush and such and -- this is a nice touch -- a little blank "leave behind note" to fill in with some sweet nothings.

A "Shame on you" kit? Obviously any woman who needs one of these is having a dirty, dirty affair, but the guy who needs one of these is obviously a stud who's having a fun weekend fling.

Of course this is playing into the whole idea that women who want sex are dirty sluts. I don't know any woman who doesn't have hang ups from the bullshit virgin/whore dichotomy. As women we're supposed to be ashamed of having a sex drive, but one has to wonder just who all these 'studly' men are supposed to be having sex with. (Oh, right, I forgot: whores and sluts, not nice women who only begrudgingly give in to the animal urges of the men they are in relationships with.)

Lesson from teh patriarchy today: women should be ashamed of sex where men should celebrate it, but I think we all all ready knew that.


  1. Many years a man tried to pick me up in a night club. When he reached forward to take a sip of his drink, he had a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste in his jacket pocket. For some reason it turned me off instantly.

  2. Many years "ago." Too fast for my own good.

  3. Anonymous15/5/07 08:54

    It's stupid marketing to boot. Who's going to buy something called 'Shame on You' BEFORE they do whatever they're calling shameful.


  4. I know I would never buy something labelled "Shame on you"

  5. Anonymous15/5/07 13:44


    That's soooo frustrating. I can't get over how blatant that sexism is!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Actually, it's the Clean Getaway that I find so disgusting. It implies that the man has done wrong to the woman and now he can leave her behind (pun intended).

  7. That's a really good point. I was hung up on the 'Shame on You' kit I forgot to even think about that. It's so gross. *shudder*


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