Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Crazy Busy

School has kept me busy (in a good way except the financial aid debacle*). I've updated my sidebar, especially the geekiness portion for those of you who like hearing about women in science. You should check them out, some sites are quite radical! Enjoy!

*They cut off my aid and I have to petition to get it reinstated. The process can take up to 3 weeks and is past the deadline where I get unregistered for classes. How I'm going to pay if I don't get aid we'll never know)


  1. Sorry to hear about your financial aid problems.

  2. Anonymous12/4/07 10:22

    Of course they cut off your aid, and of course it's further messed up by deadlines. I can't even picture the financial aid offices at any of the schools I attended without getting angry.

    Hang in there, LC. It will get sorted out, but try to protect your health.


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