Saturday, January 06, 2007

My food security level is orange.

I have:

about 10 (really) small oranges (xmas oranges)
rice (enough for another cup...dinner tommorrow or linner)
dried beans
dried lentils
1 cup yogurt

Today I had the last of my cereal and rice and beans. Tomorrow I think I'll make dal. Thank god for cheap dried beans and lentils. My food stamps come in either on Monday or Tuesday, but I'm hoping Monday. If anything I get my school money on Tuesday. woo woo. Food shopping while hungry is not exactly fun.


  1. Hope those stamps come in my dear xx

  2. thank the goddess for dried beans. rice and lentils - my staple diet. Hope your stamps come soon.

  3. Food security, these Orwellian times will be the death of us, literally. A couple years ago I hit the charity food center a couple times, after a month of resisting, but man there was no food in the house, disability spent for the month and I was flagging down motorists to bum cigarettes. Struggling for subsistence is a hard road. You take care.

  4. Have you considered posting a button for donations?

  5. That's a great idea! Thanks.


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