Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Well I guess I'm a handmaiden of patriarchy then

From the trans thread:
I hate to be picky, but the person who wrote this isn't a radical feminist for two reasons
- a radical feminist would never be intimate with a man or a person who was born male

Oops. Guess all those people calling me radical got to me. I will now go and inform them that my pornstitution fighting ass is not radical at all. Then I'll start defending porn and practising BDSM.


Seriously, Andrea Dworkin was definitely a radical feminist by my definition. John Stoltenberg anyone?
Check out a rad post on the subject here.


  1. if it helps any, I know handmaidens of patriarchy - and you're no handmaiden of patriarchy.

    clearly she has y'all confused with me or something.

    I say again - HAH!

  2. hey. i just found ya blog searching for the LCD Soundsystem - Tribulations lyrics

    figured i'd say hi

  3. Don't feel badly, Burrow. I'm married ffs!

    I guess I'm a henchwoman of the patriarchy. Or maybe I'm just stupid.

  4. Married to a man person! Oh, it hurts to type it.

  5. Gawd. I have kids -- I must be a sock puppet of the patriarchy.

    To hell with those who want to write the standards. You know your own heart.

  6. It's ok if you have kids as long as you didn't get them from sex with a man!


  7. Oh noes! I have been degraded by the touch of all-powerful Man. Arghhhh!!! Kill me now!

  8. It's the PENIS everyone!

    If you allow one of the degredation-sticks near you, it steals your soul. Or something.

    Some people really need to get out more often, don't they?


  10. Yes I have been denounced on all sides.

    Could you tell me what is BDSM? Please, TIA.

  11. Huh, how'd I miss THAT. I've been married to penis persons THREE TIMES!!

    Somebody tell me I'm not a radical feminist. I dare you. :P

    Hugs to you, burrow.


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oh well, that's me snookered then - penis people AND kids

  14. Does using a condom prevent your soul being stolen?

  15. Breaks my heart (but doesn't at all surprise me) when I come across all this divide-and-conquer-engendering bullshit. But, for whatever it's worth, I have in my possession a Lifetime Membership Card for the ACLU (Always Causing Legal Unrest - not the other one...) personally signed by Nikki Craft, and I suspect that if there were a recocation clause with said 'membership,' it would certainly have been exercised by now.

    Not, actually, because I've gone to the alleged dark side WRT porn/prostitution issues and whatnot, but because I've called out a few specific radfems on major ethics issues (in a constructive rather than a backstabbing, holier-than-thou manner) and thus committed the crime of 'airing dirty laundry'. (No matter that my interest in doing so was not in grandstanding, but in protecting the interests of some very downtrodden, disempowered, severely silenced women.)

    Oh and also, I left an (abusive) female partner for a... man. Plus, I'm a breeder! And I listen to hardcore metal and punk rock (e.g., bands with horrifically un-feminist sounding names like "Alabama Thunderpussy"), and I don't apologize for it. So, definitely, an all-purpose 'handmaiden of patriarchy'.

    P.S. I still respect Nikki of course. She's a hardcore, essential warrior, brave as anybody I've known. (And if, someday, I learn my assumptions above are mistaken, I'll be thrilled to have that error pointed out to me.)

  16. Um. Duh... that was supposed to be "revocation clause."

    Though maybe if there were such a thing as a "recocation clause," that may have also been exercised.


  17. See I think Nikki's great and that the ACLU (not the lawyer one...blech) kicks some serious ass. Somehow people think that that makes me radical. Besides my idea that all dominance/submission paradigms like capitalism, etc need to go. I want all oppression gone, and am willing to question and oppose all systems/beliefs to get it. *I* think that's radical, but I've also let a penis stick near me. Oh deary me.

  18. I am annoyed that you chose to pick out this quote to mock me.

    I am learning about radical feminism, and I was trying to make a constructive point about how I perceive radical feminism. You could have pointed me in the direction of some texts indicating that rad feminism can include intimacy with men, rather than mock me.

  19. I was a little annoyed when I read it. I get told that us radical feminists are all X (in this case manhaters, what have you) when we're not. I'm not, anyway and I am a rad fem. Poking fun is how I deal with something that makes my brain want to explode. Perhaps in the future you can post I statements, etc. This is a radical feminist blog and anamata is a radical feminist as well. Perusing blog posts done by either her or I definitely show that. Assumptions as to what anyone is supposed to act are ludicrous and generally wrong and hurtful.

    Guess I was hurt by that statement as well as outraged.

  20. Well, I had to turn in my RadFem card due to the fact that I am a "Hypocrite" who
    1. is married to a man
    2. bred a girl-child
    3. partakes in "gussying"

    Let's not even get into my belief in God.

  21. You're still rad to me. ;)

  22. I think generally, when learning, it'd be advisable to avoid preaching.

    I also think independent thought is probably safer than automatically resorting to 'scripture' and written rules.

  23. which is also a good point, thanks andrea

  24. I'm pretty sure that means make-up, etc.

  25. That's how I feel about it exactly. Always question why you do/like things, but that doesn't neccesarily mean give them up. I wear makeup, but that tends to be a lot more about my circusy ways then anything else. I enjoy things that are not exactly in tune with my beliefs, but then again I do realise how my preferences are conditioned by my upbringing/the world around me. All I ask is that people analyse. I thought that was the point. We'll never know what true freedom is until after the world changes.

  26. OK, so we should know better and it's difficult and we can't get away from how we started life, but we have to draw the line somewhere and I think it's fair to draw a line at the point where we start making justifications for doing things that we know are damaging to ourselves or others. Your world ain't never gonna change if all you do is sit around and analyse.

  27. Yeah you're right, analysing and talking about the problems do nothing. Silly me for thinking I could make a diference by bringing the problems to light.


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