Monday, October 09, 2006

No, really, I'm a feminist*

As you all should know by now (I rarely blog about these things as I feel the people who read my blog read all the blogs on my sidebar and know this all ready) Amp from Alas, has sold his domain to some guy who has used it to post reviews of porn: seen here (could be triggering). Alas, I have stayed away from Alas (no pun intended) for a long ass time now, because my idea of a pro-feminist man is not someone who allows anti-feminists to beat up feminists on his blog. I think that Heart does a great job discussing it at her post.

I hate to say it, because in cases like this I'd prefer to be wrong, but I told you so.

edited to add: Witchy-Woo's take on the whole debacle.
Well known, male, ‘pro-feminist’ blogger and cartoonist of long standing with large and (mostly) loyal readership finds his site is beoming too costly to run and he’s in a bit of a financial pickle. What do you think he does? What would you do? Find a cheaper host? Go to your readership for suggestions and support, maybe. Or solicit advertising from feminist-friendly organisations, perhaps. There are a number of viable options to choose from - some more palatable than others.

and Sparkle*Matrix's take
Crocodile tears Mr Amp, you couldn’t give a flying fuck about how “Alas” readers may feel that you have “sold out” That’s a bog standard request for reassurance that events were out of your control. You want affirmations that you were not to blame for events.

and a follow up at Women's Space
*sarcasm, please.


  1. Anonymous9/10/06 21:25

    I think in the back of our minds, we all knew that all the major 'feminist' websites were a bunch of sell outs. It's too good to be true when you have more MEN posting at the major feminist blogs than you do women.

    That's the first sign of a problem. Two when Playboy names you one of the top ten blogs on politics, like they have pandagon - that's fairly revealing.

    It's interesting how as anti-porn feminists other feminists would rather build alliances with major corporations that EXPLOIT women than build bridges with us, all the while laughing at us for supposedly allying with the right.


  2. But we're a bunch of hairy legged prudes who hate men and are destined to be spinsters because we hate men. Oh, wait. We're not.


  3. "But we're a bunch of hairy legged prudes who hate men and are destined to be spinsters because we hate men. Oh, wait. We're not"

    And when I hear that for the zillionith time off my trolls, they really, really think they are the first.

  4. And when I hear that for the zillionith time off my trolls, they really, really think they are the first.

    That, to me, is the most amazing part of it.


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