Thursday, June 22, 2006

Please help...

..if you can. I have not set up the auctions for my artwork yet, but will be doing so either today or tommorrow. If not I am asking for donations to help me get a new laptop. (As a reminder you can see my previous post or go here for previews of my art. Mostly lithographs. Any little bit helps and I promise that I will try to thank you in any way I can. Through art, feminist theory (mine of course), recipies, whatever I can do. It was such an integral part of me and helped facilitate my schooling and writing so well. Please please please.

Paypal's being stupid, so thanks to a tip from the Reclusive Leftist I am going with Amazon. (WHich is also being stupid, but less so...)

Click here to donate.

Or Click here for my ebay auctions (Although you could just email me and we could work something out that would probably be cheaper for the both of us.)

Thank you everyone. I now throw myself to the benevolence of the internets. Also, I seldomn sell or even show my artwork, so if you like it, get it now. (My paintings however are not being sold as I only have one of each of them and I love them so.)


  1. Anonymous23/6/06 08:04

    Paypal doesnt seem to be working but will send some when it is. I dont have much so it can only be £20.00 sorry but i would hate it if i lost my laptop

  2. Anonymous26/6/06 05:18

    Done. Hey, it's not like you're asking for an Ipod or using your laptop to plagiarize with. (long story.)But hopefully it'll spread around. At least Amazon doesn't charge a fee, you know?

  3. o.0 No, I will not be plagarizing with my laptop (I'm kind of curious, but feel I'll be better off not knowing.)

    Thanks all.


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