Sunday, May 07, 2006

101st post!

Hurrah! Well I've been kind of absent lately due to my computer being shipped away to have it's screen repaired and I must say that I have been missing all of you. I've also been absent b/c I've been spending time with my possible unicorn and I am very twitterpated (YAY! and finally.)

I was also (rerererererererere) rereading Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy. I needed to go back and see my perfect society, and remind myself that it *is* possible. If you enjoy this blog and have not read this book I tell you to go and get it NOW! It's a book I keep coming back to over and over again. It is amazing and you will not be sorry. *Sigh* If only I could live in that future, but oh well. One day.

I am posting because I saw on the news this morning that Margaret Trudeau (former wife of the late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau) has come out speaking about her battle with bi-polar disorder. Yay for taking such a courageous step to help all the other people out there with it feel less alone. She talked about wanting to lift the stigma attached to mental health disorders. Having someone so well known talk about it (as we all know) is key to getting people to listen. I am so glad she did this. Yay for her and everyone else speaking out about mental health issues. You're (we're) all so strong and brave.



  1. Anonymous7/5/06 19:06

    Woman On The Edge Of Time is fabulous - have you tried her poetry, too? Colors Passing Through Us in the one I go back to time and again.

    Thanks for the link about Margaret Trudeau.

  2. I haven't tried her poetry, but I also own City of Darkness, City of Light which is a well researched historical fiction about the French Revolution (which I am obsessed with, more accurately obsessed with the women's stories of the French Revolution. One day I'll teach a class about it.) I'll check out her poetry though, and you're welcome.

  3. Anonymous8/5/06 07:53

    Another Piercy novel for you -- Sex Wars, which came out this fall. It's about the process in the 19th century to outlaw contraception and abortion. Very well researched and quite depressing. The parallels are stunning.

  4. Wow-I didn't know she'd spoken out. Yay for her and us! :)

  5. Yeah, she just did. It was big news this weekend.

  6. Ohh, I'll check out the new Marge Piercy. She's wonderful.

  7. Wow... what an awesome thing to do.


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